Lester Public Library
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
'Make a splash—read!' was the theme of the Lester Public Library's summer reading program this year, encouraging children, teens and adults alike to take time to read over summer vacation. The library went all out, from decorating the library to look like a coral reef and island oasis, to hosting water games outside and bringing in experts to show off water animals and science demonstrations.
The library's FlickrT page abounds with photos of these decorations along with images of water-themed events and guests throughout the season and includes memories captured of what is clearly a community that enjoys its library. Located in Two Rivers, Wisc., the town of 12,000 obviously likes to read.
More than 1,200 people participated in the program this year, reading books and writing reviews of what's been read. The first review earns each reader a travel mug with the library's logo, made possible from a donation by 4imprint®'s one by one® Program. Each review thereafter enters readers into a prize drawing. At the close of the ten-week program, a grand prize drawing is offered and another prize is given to the reader with the most reviews.
"The summer reading program offers incentive to people in many ways," explained Chris Hamburg, Lester Library's adult services coordinator. "People read more because of the program—just to get the travel mug or other prizes and to experience the pride of sharing their reviews with others."
Hamburg and other library staff even developed displays throughout the library to showcase the reviews and encourage others to join in on the fun. Hamburg said that the response to the entire program — and the travel mugs — has been extremely positive.
"I really enjoy it when people come in and tell me that they've discovered a new author or read a book that was in one of the displays. I guess, I just really love it when anyone gets excited about reading," shared Hamburg.
For more information about Lester Public Library, please visit http://lesterlibrary.org/ opens in new window