Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation (TNF)
Dallas, Texas
Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a rare, genetic, neurological disorder that causes the growth of tumors on nerve cells causing abnormalities including skin changes, disfigurement and blindness. It targets men and women the same, across all racial and ethnic groups and its symptoms vary.. Though it is generally diagnosed early in life, no cure or treatment exists. The Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation works to meet the needs of those afflicted by NF by providing care, comfort, support, information, education, funding and other resources for its treatment, prevention and cure.
For more than 20 years, the Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation (TNF) has been hosting its annual Neurofibromatosis Family Camp for patients and their families. Last year, more than 120 people attended. Nearly 90% had their way paid by Camperships, which are camp scholarships. "NF Family Camp is a place to connect and build relationships with other NF patients. Some kids have never met anyone else with NF," said Cindy Hahn, Managing Director. Camp is also a place for fun with activities including arts and crafts, horseback riding, swimming, fishing, canoeing, hiking and more. Activities are adapted so anyone can participate, regardless of ability.
Perhaps one of the most telling activities at NF Family Camp is the Wish Boat Ceremony. Campers are invited to light a candle, close their eyes and make a wish. All the candles are placed together to float in the shape of a heart or a star and are sailed out, across the lake. "It is really beautiful," Hahn said.
This year, the campers received a little something extra as part of their camp experience. The Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation used its one by one® grant to purchase water bottles for campers and a mini-notepad and pen so the campers could exchange their contact information.
"We can't tell you enough about how much we appreciate 4imprint®'s support," Hahn said.
For more information about Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation (TNF), please visit http://texasnf.org/ opens in new window