One by One
New Kindness, Recipient

New Kindness


New Kindness is a registered Canadian charity that seeks to give people purpose. It does so by providing volunteers with resources, and in some cases instruction, needed to make a gift for someone in need. The charity provides raw materials such as wool, knitting needles, wood and more, so donors can create items like soap products, lotions, dish towels, wooden puzzles and even sock monkeys. The finished creations are then gift-wrapped and distributed to newcomers, the less fortunate, those suffering illness and injury and others in need.

New Kindness has a number of programs to help assist in carrying out its mission. Its volunteer-led workshop program offers quarterly classes where those who want to donate their time can register to learn new skills such as sewing or quilting. It also offers a school program for students to assist other less resourced schools through projects such as building new lunch table benches. And finally, it hosts parties where guests can mingle, enjoy refreshments and craft for a purpose, such as making centerpieces to donate to homes for the aged. "It's really about coming full circle," said New Kindness president Moosha Gulycz. "The recipients are so thankful to receive hand-crafted gifts and the donors feel quite special, too. We've been around three years, and since then have donated more than 2,000 gifts to individuals in need."

New Kindness received a one by oner from promotional products retailer 4imprintr. The charitable organization used the grant to purchase magnets imprinted with the standing December 1 date of its annual fundraiser and for engraved corkscrew/bottle stopper gift sets to be raffled in a silent auction. "People are already asking to put their name in the raffle because they're so beautiful," said Gulycz.

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