One by One
Bridging the Gap, Recipient

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap Family Services is a mental health program based in North Virginia. The charitable organization serves children and adolescents suffering from emotional, behavioral and mental health challenges. It offers numerous programs and services including crisis intervention, psychotherapy, substance abuse services and mental health support. Many of its services are referral based and come through local community service organizations, social services, schools and the juvenile justice system. Not even two years old, Bridging the Gap currently provides mental health assistance to 15 area individuals ranging in age from 12 to 17.

Bridging the Gap was a recipient of a one by oner grant from promotional products retailer 4imprintr. It used the grant to purchase tote bags for the first-ever annual Children's Mental Health Awareness Day, held in partnership with the Boys and Girls Clubr. This was a special day for the organization and children's mental health because May 7, 2015 marked the official proclamation of National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day. "We were ecstatic to receive this grant," said Mell Dash, Bridging the Gap Family Services' program director. "This is a new organization and a new event so we're very thankful to the folks at 4imprint for seeing the value in what we're doing."

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