For nearly 20 years, the Wings of Eagles Ranch in Concord, N.C., has provided year-round therapeutic activities for special needs children and young adults. Founder and Executive Director Christine Cronin started the Ranch after seeing how her son, Brendan, who was born with cerebral palsy, benefited from therapeutic horseback riding. Lovers of nature, Cronin and her husband started the Ranch to offer horseback riding, as well as outdoor activities, like a zip line and climbing wall. The Ranch, which also offers six summer camps, field trips and riding lessons, is said to be a place where “limitations transform into limitless possibilities.” Through these activities, special needs participants are given the opportunity to do things they wouldn’t do anywhere else, helping them strengthen their bodies, increase self-esteem and make new friends.
Wings of Eagles Ranch was the recipient of a one by one® grant from promotional products retailer 4imprint®. It used the grant to purchase a table throw and sport bottles. Getting a donation such as this ultimately benefits the families who visit the Ranch. “We keep our fees as low as possible because many families are financially strapped due to procedures and medications,” says Board Member Denise Brophy. “We rely on grants, fundraisers and donations, so a donation such as this is very important to us.”