One by One
Emmaus Homes, Recipient

Emmaus Homes

St Louis, MO

Emmaus Homes is dedicated to helping people with cognitive, intellectual and other developmental disabilities live independently. Serving about 275 clients in the St. Louis, Mo. area, Emmaus provides support for individuals in a community-based home environment so they can enjoy the experience of having a home of their own, no matter what their level of ability may be. For clients, the support of Emmaus Homes makes all the difference in their world, according to Shauna O’Toole, Development Manager at Emmaus Homes. The organization provides personal care, spiritual support, educational offerings and recreational services. “We’re really big on inclusion,” O’Toole says. “We are advocates of people with disabilities of all types, especially those with developmental disabilities, and we want them to be a part of the community, just like anyone else.” Service provided through Emmaus Homes are primarily funded through Medicaid reimbursement, but the organization also raises funds to support the good work they do that is not covered under Medicaid. Every year, Emmaus Homes conducts a Taste of Home? fundraising event, which includes a vendor fair and cooking program and raises about $13,000 on average to support their programs. One of the hallmarks of the event is a gift bag filled with giveaways from vendors. This year, as a recipient of a 4imprint® one by one® grant, the organization was able to order quality branded tote bags. The cost savings allows Emmaus House to divert funding to their programs, as they help clients transition from campus settings into their own homes, many for the first time. “4imprint is really enabling us to move into best practices for our clients,” she says. “They’re supporting us during a time of transition when we’re focused on growing and successfully placing our clients into new communities.”

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