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Lawrence County Economic Growth Council, Recipient

Lawrence County Economic Growth Council

Bedford, IN

In Bedford, Indiana, Lawrence County Economic Growth Council (LCEGC) has a steadfast mission to drive education and workforce development initiatives, specifically in the manufacturing industry. As the organization works with industry and educational partners, its goals include increasing awareness about the importance of manufacturing and helping people explore careers in the trade. A 4imprint one by one grant enabled LCEGC to provide safety glasses as career day giveaways to students participating in Manufacturing Day. This annual event plays an important part in LCEGC aligning its workforce needs with education and training offerings. Shaping bright futures through the lens of career day giveawaysCollage of photos showing students in a manufacturing setting and people wearing safety glasses. Even the smallest of gestures can ignite a passion. As students put on their safety glasses during Manufacturing Day, they witness the inner workings of the industry, participated in hands-on learning experiences and ask questions that provide answers to help shape their understanding of various manufacturing careers. This immersive journey empowers students to pursue high school courses and post-secondary education in manufacturing. Sewing seeds that blossom into possibilities Deeply rooted in the community, LCEGC is an unwavering force in education and workforce development. Staff members have accomplished remarkable achievements, including helping more than 100 community members get on track to receive their high school equivalency (HSE) diploma, taking them one step closer to the career they desire. What’s more, the Indiana Department of Education announced a simplified application for the 21st Century Scholars program. The simplified application—something for which the LCEGC team has advocated for many years—makes it much easier for people to apply for a two- or four-year scholarship that pays up to 100% tuition at eligible schools. LCEGC also supports underserved community members looking to further themselves. “A local high school senior facing financial challenges reached out to us for a scholarship to attend nearby paraprofessional training,” said Jennifer Jones, marketing manager. “We granted her the scholarship, and as a result, she became the first in her family to not only graduate high school, but also pursue a post-secondary education training program.” This student’s dream of a better future was made possible through the support and belief instilled in her by LCEGC.

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