One by One
The Confidence Campaign, Recipient

The Confidence Campaign

Lafayette, Louisiana

The Confidence Campaign launched in late 2022 with a mission to empower and instill confidence in young girls through self-awareness. Based in Lafayette, Louisiana, the nonprofit facilitates statewide workshops to educate girls ages 8 to 18 about healthy hygiene habits and body positivity. During these workshops there are videos, demonstrations, and plenty of questions and answers.

“A lot of parents or guardians aren’t having those foundational conversations with children,” said Susan Titus, founder and executive director. “I think there is a breakdown and disconnect, and many kids don’t have the foundational understanding and awareness of what’s going on with their bodies.”

Finding strength in self-awareness

“Primarily, the workshops explain the basics of hygiene, emphasizing its importance and how it contributes to overall health,” said Titus.

The Confidence Campaign connects with community partners, like dance, cheerleading and other sports programs, after-school groups, Boys & Girls Clubs® and Girl Scouts®. Titus hopes to bring programming to school districts soon with the help of her eight-member board of directors, two facilitators and team of volunteers.

“We also encourage peer-to-peer kindness, support and mentorship,” Titus said. When girls learn from the program, the hope is that they’ll pass that foundational information on to their friends, and the knowledge will continue to move from person to person.

Taking away outreach bags and essential knowledge

After using a one by one grant to purchase drawstring backpacks, Titus filled them with items including soap, a washcloth, deodorant, menstrual products and a resource book to hand out to girls attending the workshops.

Titus remarked that having branded swag increases the organization’s visibility and raises its profile. “A grant like this boosts our confidence as an organization,” she said. “It shows that we are growing and that we are relevant.”

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