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Bay Area Council on Drugs & Alcohol, Inc.
Cancer Services of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Center for Life Enrichment
Hollywood, Maryland
Child and Family Services of Saginaw
Saginaw, Michigan
Flint Hills Community Clinic
Manhattan, Kansas
Friends of the Houston Nature Center
Houston, Minnesota
Lester Public Library
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
Poughkeepsie American Association of University Women
Poughkeepsie, New York
Safe Harbor Children's Advocacy Center
Allegan, Michigan
The Campus Kitchen™ at Washington and Lee University (CKWL)
Lexington, Virginia
Unity House Street Ministry Program
Troy, New York
Upper Room Mission
Vernon, British Colombia
WestCare Foundation
Pikeville, Kentucky
YMCA - Camp Grady Spruce
Dallas, Texas
- 2 VandenBos Whitby Air Cadets, oshawa, ON
- A Child's Place of Charlotte, Inc., Charlotte, NC
- AbleCloset, San Carlos, CA
- Adella Klugh Missionary Society, Boston, MA
- Alaska Pacific University Spring Creek Farm, Palmer, AK
- Alliance for Affordable Energy, New Orleans, LA
- ALSAC/St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Greenwood Village, CO
- Alzheimer Society of Toronto, Toronto, ON
- Arch Street Center, Lancaster, PA
- Arlington Heights Park District, Arlington Heights, IL
- ASF/Tallahassee Animal Service Center, Tallahassee, FL
- Asian Women's Shelter, San Francisco, CA
- Assocation For Supportive Child Care, Tempe, AZ
- BACODA (Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol,Inc), Houston, TX
- Baltimore County Police & Community Relations Cncl, Cockeysville, MD
- Beckwith-Wiedemann Children's Foundation, New Bedford, MA
- Belvedere Heights, Parry Sound, ON
- Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity, Rapid City, SD
- Blackstone River Theatre, Cumberland, RI
- Bloomington Hospital of orange County, Paoli, IN
- Bolton Land Trust, Bolton, CT
- Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, Cambridge, MA
- Boy With a Ball, San Antonio, TX
- Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula, Newport News, VA
- C.A.D.E. (Children with Autism Deserve Education), Minnetonka, MN
- Calgary Food Bank, Calgary, AB
- Camp Fire USA Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
- Camp Laurel, Pasadena, CA
- Canadian LIver Foundation, Calgary, AB
- Chabad of Five Towns Friendship Circle, Cedarhurst, NY
- chabad of west hempstead, west hempstead, NY
- chattahoochee humane society, valley, AL
- Cherokee Family Violence Center, Canton, GA
- Chicago Area Project, Chicago, IL
- Chicago Area Project, Chicago, IL
- Child and Family Services of Saginaw County, Saginaw, MI
- Child Care Resource Center, Chatsworth, CA
- Children's Legal & Educational Resource Centre, Calgary, AB
- Chocolate Chip Dalmatian Assistance League, Adelphi, MD
- COA Youth & Family Centers, Milwaukee, WI
- Cobb Schools Foundation, Marietta, GA
- Cocheco Valley Humane Society, Dover, NH
- College of Staten Island Foundation, Staten Island, NY
- Common Ground Co operative, Toronto, ON
- Community Access Center, Riversdie, CA
- Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands,, Hyannis, MA
- Community Concepts, Auburn, ME
- Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, Pittsburg, KS
- Covenant House Florida, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Cross County Alcohol and Drug Prevention Coalition, Wynne, AR
- Cruizin' for CF, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundati, London, ON
- Dahl Arts Center, Rapid City, SD
- David & Margaret Youth and Family Services, La Verne, CA
- DeKalb County 4-H Clubs, Smithville, TN
- Detroit Medical Center/Detroit Receiving Hospital, Detroit, MI
- Dover Housing Authority, Dover, DE
- Drayton Valley community Learning Centre, Drayton Valley, AB
- Eagle's Nest YouthBuild, Oklahoma City, OK
- Eastern University SIFE program, St. Davids, PA
- Ecole Mill Bay Parent Advisory Council, Mill Bay, BC
- Elder Services of Cape Cod,Senior Environment Corp, South Dennis, MA
- Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan, Southfield, MI
- Erika Kate Foundation, Muscatine, IA
- Eureka Kids, Eureka Springs, AR
- Fahrney Keedy Home & Village, Boonsboro, MD
- FAME Assistance Corporation, Los Angeles,, CA
- Family and Child Service of Schenectady, Inc., Schenectady, NY
- Family Healthcare Clinic, Bartlesville, OK
- Family Nurturing Center of Florida, Jacksonville, FL
- Family Promise of East San Fernado Valley, Toluca Lake, CA
- Fathers and Families Center, Indianapolis, IN
- FirstLink, Fargo, ND
- Flint Hills Community Clinic, Manhattan, KS
- Fluvanna Families Learning Together Program, Palmyra, VA
- Freedom Foundation, Selma, AL
- Friends of Mosquito Hill, Inc., New London, WI
- Friends of the Kettle Moraine, Campbellsport, WI
- Friendship Trays (Friendship Gardens), Charlotte, NC
- FUMC Mansfield, Mansfield, TX
- Further Education Society, Calgary, AB
- Georgia Cancer Foundation, Atlanta, GA
- Girlstown Foundation, Belleville, MI
- GMU Office of Alcohol, Drug, and Health Education, Fairfax, VA
- God's Littlest Angels, Okotoks, AB
- Good Samaritan Boys Ranch, Brighton, MO
- Habitat for Humanity of Morgan County, Martinsville, IN
- Habitat for Humanity St. Tammany West, Mandeville, LA
- Healthy Start Family Resource Center, Petaluma, CA
- Hebbville Academy, Hebbville, NS
- High Hopes, Inc., Brentwood, TN
- HILLS, Inc., Lakewood, CO
- Hispanic/Latino Center, Inc., Fayetteville, NC
- HMEA (Horace Mann Educational Assn.), Franklin, MA
- Hospice of the Comforter, Altamonte Springs, FL
- Hula Preservation Society, Kaneohe, HI
- In-Definite Arts Society, Calgary, AB
- Joubert Syndrome and Related Disorders Foundation, Rockville, MD
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada, Windsor, ON
- Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped, Wichita, KS
- Kena Shriners, Fairfax, VA
- Kids Konnected, Laguna Hills, CA
- Kids With Food Allergies, Doylestown, PA
- Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Trail, BC
- Lester Public Library, Two Rivers, WI
- Life Management Center of Northwest Florida, Panama City, FL
- Looper Speech & Hearing Center, Dalton, GA
- Love, INC (in the name of christ) (Sue Brady), Lapeer, MI
- MADD Lunenburg-Queens Chapter, Bridgewater, NS
- Major Health Partners (Gift Shop), Shelbyville, IN
- Manitoba Child Care Association, Winnipeg, MB
- MANNA, Philadelphia, PA
- Marinette Council Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Marinette, WI
- Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, Minneapolis, MN
- Montezuma Creek Emergency Medical Services, Aneth, UT
- Moorestown Visiting Nurse Association, Moorestown, NJ
- Mosaic Family Services, Dallas, TX
- Mount Baker chapter American Red Cross, Bellingham, WA
- National Ataxia Foundation, Minneapolis, MN
- National Kidney Foundation, Washington, DC
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Denver, CO
- National Neurotrauma Symposium, Inc., Miami, FL
- NF Midwest, Lombard, IL
- No More Victims, Inc., Houston,, TX
- Oklahoma Sibshop Initiative, Oklahoma City, OK
- Old Prairie Town at Ward-Meade Historic Site, Topeka, KS
- One Voice, Atlanta, GA
- Open Arms Hospice, Simpsonville, SC
- Open Heart Magic, Chicago, IL
- Operation Fuel Inc., Bloomfield, CT
- Order of the Arrow- Boy Scouts of America, Beaverton, OR
- Polar Bears International, Bozeman, MT
- Pushing Boundaries, Redmond, WA
- RiverView Health, Crookston, MN
- Rockford Chariots Wheelchair Athletic Association, Rockford, IL
- Rockford Youth Initiative, Rockford, IL
- Rockland Jewish Family Service, West Nyack, NY
- Royal Family Kids Camps/Ventura Missionary Church, Ventura, CA
- RSVP Volunteer Program, River Grove, IL
- S.W.A.T. Sisters With A Throttle, Jackson, MS
- Safe Harbor Children's Advocacy Center, Allegan, MI
- Samaritan Center, Jefferson City, MO
- SAMMinistries' Furniture For A Cause, San Antonio, TX
- Sankara Eye Foundation USA, Milpitas, CA
- Save Ellis Island, New York, NY
- Save Our Souls Foundation, Bel Air, MD
- Save The Bay, Providence, RI
- School Bells, Inc., Nashville, TN
- Sebasticook Regional Land Trust, Unity, ME
- Sensational Elora, Elora, ON
- Sheridan Community Education Foundation, Sheridan, WY
- SickKids Foundation, Toronto, ON
- SkillsUSA Georgia, Inc., McDonough, GA
- Snake River Community Clinic, Lewiston, ID
- Spina Bifida Association of Massachusetts, Milford, MA
- St. Clair Children's Advocacy Center, Pell City, AL
- St. Jude's childrens cancer center/Coordinater, Hendersonville, NC
- St. Tammany SALT Council, Inc., Mandeville, LA
- Starfish Cafe, Savannah, GA
- Starkville Area Arts Council, Starkville, MS
- Sullivan EMS ltd, Sullivan, WI
- Susan G Komen Houston Pasta Party and Auction, League City, TX
- Susan G. Komen for the Cure, El Dorado Hills, CA
- Teal Ribbon Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation,Inc, Concordville, PA
- Teen HYPE, Detroit, MI
- The Children's Advocacy Center of the South Plains, Lubbock, TX
- The Children's Assessment Center Foundation, Houston, TX
- The Don Bosco Centers, Kansas City, MO
- The Episcopal Church of the Atonement, Chicago, IL
- The Kortney Rose Foundation, Oceanport, NJ
- The Missing Children's Network, Montreal, QC
- The Not For Sale Campaign, Montara, CA
- The Salvation Army - Home Front War Relief Program, Happy Valley, OR
- The Scott E. Chapman Foundation, Inc., Waltham, MA
- The Teen Encouragement Inc., Riverdale, IL
- The Teresa Group, Toronto, ON
- The Washington Hospital, Washington, PA
- Touchstone Youth Centre, Toronto, ON
- Trauma Intervention Program of Portland/Vancouver,, Portland, OR
- Trinity Historical Society Inc., Trinity, NL
- Trinity Lutheran Adult Mission, Joppa, MD
- Tri-State Food Bank, Inc., Evansville, IN
- Twin Rivers Associates, div. of IPPI, Exeter, NH
- United Way of Southeast Alaska, Juneau, AK
- Univeristy Hosptials Kingston Foundation, Kingston, ON
- University of Tennessee Extension- Marshall County, Lewisburg, TN
- USO Puget Sound Area, Seattle, WA
- Victim Services of York Region, Markham, ON
- VIPS (Volunteers In Providence Schools), Providence, RI
- Volunteer Center of Greater Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, MI
- Volunteers in Medicine Clinic, Hilton Head Island, SC
- Washington Wilderness Coalition, Seattle, WA
- West Virginia Raptor Rehabilitation Center, Morgantown, WV
- WestCare Kentucky, Pikeville, KY
- Wide Horizons For Children, Waltham, MA
- Wind River Spiritual Center, Tryon, NC
- Windsor Essex Care for Kids Foundation, Windsor, ON
- Wisconsin Lions Foundation, Rosholt, WI
- YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas - Camp Grady Spruce, Dallas, TX
- YMCA of the Suncoast - North Pinellas Branch, Palm Harbor, FL
- Youth Haven, Washington, DC
- Yuma Community Food Bank, Yuma, AZ