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Action Sudbury-Citizens Against Impaired Driving
Sudbury, Ontario
Hero Dogs
Brookeville, Maryland
Indiana Women in Need Foundation
Indianapolis, Indiana
Life Promotions, Inc.
Appleton, Wisconsin
Logan Public Transit
Logan, Ohio
MADD Canada: Lunenburg-Queens
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Prevent Blindness Northern California (PBNC)
Chicago, Illinois
Safe Homes of Orange County
Newburgh, New York
Soroptimist International of Farmington Valley (SIFV)
Canton, Connecticut
Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation (TNF)
Dallas, Texas
The HIKE Fund, Inc. (Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment)
Edmond, Oklahoma
Wheeler Benefit Foundation
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Women's Empowerment International
San Diego, California
- 4 Real Women International, Inc., New York, NY
- A Child's Place, Charlotte, NC
- A Friend's House, Inc., McDonough, GA
- A.I.D.S.,INC., Acushnet, MA
- Advocacy & Support Center, Elizabethtown, KY
- AIDS New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB
- Alachua Co. Medical Society Foundation (We Care), Gainesville, FL
- Alaska PTA, Anchorage, AK
- Alzheimer's Association of Greater KY & Soutern IN, Louisville, KY
- American Lung Association in Delaware, Newark, DE
- American Red Cross - Hampton Roads Chapter, Hampton, VA
- Area Churches Together Serving - ACTS, Aiken, SC
- Badger Honor Flight, Beaver Dam, WI
- Beaver Brook Association, Hollis, NH
- Big Brothers Big Sisters, Danville, VA
- Black Hills FCU Charitable Fund, Rapid City, SD
- Boggs Mountain Humane Shelter, Inc, Tiger, GA
- Bottles N Bottoms, Inc., Charlotte, NC
- Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center, North Platte, NE
- Bridgeway Academy Association, Dartmouth, NS
- Butterfly Project NYC, New York, NY
- C.L.A.S.S. Education, Inc., Carmel, IN
- Calvary Chapel Spring Valley, Las Vegas, NV
- Calvary Women's Services, Washington, DC
- Camp Summit, Dallas, TX
- Campus Kitchen at Washington and Lee, Lexington, VA
- Canaan Baptist Church, New Castle, DE
- Canadian Cancer Society - Manitoba Division, Brandon, MB
- Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous (CFC) International, Vestal, NY
- Catholic Charities of the Finger Lakes, Geneva, NY
- Central NC Chapter of the American Red Cross, Durham, NC
- Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Tech, Pleasant Gap, PA
- Cheerful Givers, Eagan, MN
- Children's Cancer Recovery Foundation, Harrisburg, PA
- Children's Hospital and The CAP FPund, Milwaukee, WI
- Childrens Service Society, Salt Lake City, UT
- Christian Endeavor Mid-Atlantic, Gilbertsville, PA
- City Union Mission, Kansas City, MO
- Clean Forest Project, Grants Pass, OR
- Colorado State Parks/Jackson Lake State Park, Orchard, CO
- Community Health Centers, Inc., Midvale, UT
- Community Legal Services, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
- Council of Churches of the Ozarks, Springfield, MO
- Crime Stoppers of Walton County, Inc, Freeport, FL
- Crime Stoppers of Walton County, Inc, Freeport, FL
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Metro DC Chapter, Bethesda, MN
- Decatur Farm to School/Oakhurst Community Garden, Decatur, GA
- Del Norte County Search And Rescue, Crescent City, CA
- Dept. of Family & Protective Services, CCL, Houston, TX
- Diane's Pen Pals, Beverly, MA
- Don Wheaton Family YMCA, Edmonton, AB
- Down Syndrome Association of Hemet, Wildomar, CA
- Dravet Syndrome Foundation, Monroe, CT
- DuPage Habitat for Humanity, Wheaton, IL
- East-Central Court Appointed Special Advocates, Brookings, SD
- Eden II and Genesis Foundation, Plainview, NY
- Environmental Concern Inc., St Michaels, MD
- EQUI-KIDS Therapeutic Riding Program, Virginia Beach, VA
- Food Assistance, Inc., Greensboro, NC
- Friends of the Houston Nature Center, Houston, MN
- Friends of the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo, Palo Alto, CA
- Gateway, Birmingham, AL
- Georgina Arts Centre & Gallery, Sutton, ON
- Global Sports Alliance for the Environment, Tucson, AZ
- Great Plains Colon Cancer Task Force, Omaha, NE
- Green Iowa AmeriCorps, Cedar Falls, IA
- Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Smithtown, NY
- H.I.K.E. Fund (Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment), Edmond, OK
- Healing Our Community Collaborative, Inc. (HOCC), Weymouth, MA
- Heart 'n Home Foundation, Fruitland, ID
- Heights Arts, Cleveland Heights, OH
- Hepatitis Foundation International, Silver Spring, MD
- Hocking Athens Perry Community Action, Logan, OH
- Hogar Escuela Sor Maria Rafaela, Bayamon, PE
- HOPE Services, San Jose, CA
- House of Friendship, Waterloo, ON
- Hunters Helping Soldiers, Blairsville, PA
- Jewish Residential Services, Pittsburgh, PA
- John Paul Geijer Memorial Foundation, Hamilton, NJ
- Josie Odum Morris Literacy Project, Inc., Inkster, MI
- Keep North Charleston Beautiful, North Charleston, SC
- KETCH, Wichita, KS
- Kids On Paper, Valley Glen, CA
- Kimochi, Inc., San Francisco, CA
- Lar Feliz USA Foundation, North Royalton, OH
- Le garde manger pour tous, Montreal, QC
- Lee Carlson Center for Mental Health & Well Being, Fridley, MN
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Honesdale, PA
- LifeSavers Training Corp., Carbondale, IL
- Lincoln Lutheran of Racine, Racine, WI
- Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Hugo, OK
- Little Lights Urban Ministries, Washington, DC
- Love A Sea Turtle, Winterville, NC
- Make-A-Wish Foundation of Wisconsin, Appleton, WI
- Martin and Edith Stein Hospice, Somerset, NJ
- Michael's House Child Advocacy Center, Fairborn, OH
- Miracle League of Blair County, Altoona, PA
- NAMI of DuPage County, Illinois, Wheaton, IL
- National Family Caregiver Support Program, Soldotna, AK
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society BlueRidge Chap, Charleston, WV
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society NJ Metro Chapt, Oakhurst, NJ
- NCPTC's Jacob Wetterling Resource Center, St. Paul, MN
- Necessities Bag Sacramento Inc., Sacramento, CA
- Neumann Family Services, Chicago, IL
- Non-Profit Chiropractic Organization (NPCO), Fleming Island, FL
- Northeast Senior Assistance, San Antonio, TX
- Northwest North Pole Adventures, Veradale, WA
- Omega Foundation, Toronto, ON
- Operation Homefront Oklahoma, Lawton, OK
- Orange County Affiliate-Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Costa Mesa, CA
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation (Brittle Bone), Gaithersburg, MD
- Ozarks Regional YMCA Childcare, Springfield, MO
- PAVE - Parents Advocating Vocational Education, Tacoma, WA
- Plainfield Area YMCA, Plainfield, NJ
- Polk Soil and Water Conservation District, Dallas, OR
- Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities, Pottstown, PA
- Redwood Children's Services, Inc., Ukiah, CA
- Richmond Hope Foundation, Glen Allen, VA
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
- Schwartz Center for Children, Dartmouth, MA
- Second Chance Center for Animals, Flagstaff, AZ
- Service Coordination Inc, Nottingham, MD
- ShelterBox USA, Elmhurst, IL
- Shenandoah Valley Community Focus, Waynesboro, VA
- Sky's the Limit Fund, Los Altos, CA
- Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services, Somerville, MA
- STRIDE Adaptive Sports, Rensselaer, NY
- Summer Search, Seattle, WA
- Tapestri, Inc., Tucker, GA
- Teacher's Pet: Dogs and Kids Learning Together, Oakland Twp, MI
- The Bair Foundation, New Wilmington, PA
- The Charleston Patriot Challenge, Eutawville,, SC
- The Giving Tree, Decatur, GA
- The Health Corner, St-Pierre-Jolys, MA
- The Luca John Foundation, Trenton, NJ
- The SMART Ride, (Broward House dba The SMART Ride, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- The Storehouse Greater Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM
- The Works Art & Design Festival, Edmonton, AB
- Thornwell Home for Children, Clinton, SC
- True North Missions, Leawood, KS
- UCP of Eastern Connecticut, Quaker Hill, CT
- United Cerebral Palsy Association of Miami Inc., Hialeah, FL
- United Way of Lake County, Gurnee, IL
- United Way of Otero County (UWOC), Alamogordo, NM
- V.I. Resource Conservation & Development Council, Christiansted, VI, VT
- Van Go, Inc., Lawrence, KS
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park, Dayton, OH
- Volunteer San Diego, San Diego, CA
- Wheeler Benefit Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA
- Winnebago Audubon Society, Inc., Oshkosh, WI
- Wired Safety, Wycoff, NJ
- Women's Empowerment Int., San Diego, CA
- Woodcraft Rangers, Los Angeles, CA
- Woodland Dunes Nature Center & Preserve, Inc, Two Rivers, WI